Constructo, a WordPress theme for construction companies, focuses on creating pages in certain areas. Eleven totally one-click installable demonstrations are available.
Not only does WPBakery Page Builder (previously Visual Composer) offer WooCommerce compatibility, Revolution slider, and a comprehensive admin panel that can be utilized for any kind of business, but it also has fantastic support.
It will be a pleasure to create your ideal WordPress theme, so stop looking and get started right away!
Construction WordPress Theme Constructo Features
- WPBakery Revolution slider Page Builder
- Sidebars without limits
- Infinite hues
- RTL assistance
- Simple one-click updating
- support for WooCommerce
- sophisticated admin panel
- Fill Out Form 7 for Contact Information
- Compatible with WPML
- Localization compatibility with code style
- Version 4 predetermined color schemes, Wide and Boxed
- Completely responsive with integrated amazing font icons
- Detailed records
- Three categories of blogs
- And a whole lot more!WPBakery Revolution slider Page Builder
- Sidebars without limits
- Infinite hues
- RTL assistance
- Simple one-click updating
- support for WooCommerce
- sophisticated admin panel
- Fill Out Form 7 for Contact Information
- Compatible with WPML
- Localization compatibility with code style
- Version 4 predetermined color schemes, Wide and Boxed
- Completely responsive with integrated amazing font icons
- Detailed records
- Three categories of blogs
- And a whole lot more!
Constructo Theme Features
With this site arrangement, you may add an image, pattern, or solid color to the site backdrop, giving you even more customization options.
WordPress Constructo is completely responsive. It will look good across all major operating systems and on a variety of devices. Additionally, we included a few more tools to regulate responsiveness.
We have included more choices so you may adjust the settings on each individual page. This gives you complete control over how your website is built.
Especially, we are pleased with our importer. You only need to click on the Constructo construction theme to access a fully functional demo; no further imports are needed. Select from 11 distinct demonstrations.
The top WordPress e-commerce platform is offered. You may now easily start selling your stuff. Use Constructo to get your stuff online right away!
You may now fully personalize your theme thanks to an extensive color palette. Tailor each element of your theme to your client’s preferences and the strategy you require.
The best slider available is what we included. You may add as many slides or sliders to your website as you like, animate them anyway you see appropriate, and arrange them wherever you like.
We’ve incorporated the #1-page builder, so your next project won’t require any code and will be enjoyable to work on.
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